Fee per class / workshop:  $40.00  (Interpreters: No fee)

  Seminars and workshops about medieval  culture,

 presented by Camlann artisans, & staff. 

Seminar limits are 15; Workshops are 8, for Ages 18 and above.

Classes are  NOON to 4 P.M. unless otherwise noted.

Mail in your check with the Registration form. 

  Check back on this page periodically for updated information about your class.  You may wish to bring a bottle of water, and a cushion might be a consideration for the wooden benches.   Medieval dress is welcome, but not required, except as noted.  Students in all classes will receive handouts containing an outline, bibliography, response form, supporting information, and illustrations.


Living History Interpretation

Sunday,  February 25th    Noon  to 4:00 P.M.

Learn how to be a first person interpreter, and study Camlann's goals and methods for presenting living history. 

Required audit, for 'village' / festival participants;  

Presentation Workshop

Sunday, April 14th  Noon to 4 P.M.

 Interpreters  presentation and language. 

(Interpreter class is prerequisite)  

Required, as audit, for 'village life' participants.

The Medieval Village

 Sunday,  March 3rd  Noon to 4 P.M.

 A survey of daily life, routines, and 14th c. life.

Required, as audit, for all 'village life' participants.

Presenting in Character

Sunday April 28th  Noon to 4 P.M.

On-site dress rehearsal for presenting your character.

(Interpreter class is prerequisite)  Required, as audit, for 'village life' folks

 Developing a Medieval Character : 

Sunday,  March 10th Noon to 4 P.M. 

Presenting your character:  background, preparation, practice roleplaying, relationships.(Interpretation class is prerequisite)  

Medieval Blacksmithing 

Sunday,  October 20th  Noon to 4 P.M.

Hands-on techniques for beginners

Middle English for Interpreters :

Sunday,  March 17th  Noon  to 4:00 P.M.

Language, Character traits and Dialogue

(Interpreter class is prerequisite)  

Required, as audit, for all 'village life' participants.

Longbow Construction
Sunday,  November 3rd Noon to 4 P.M.
Build and take home your own longbow.
For adults 18 or older
Workshop and materials fee: $80

Open-hearth Cooking Workshop   

Sunday November 17  Noon  to 4:00 P.M. 

 Hands-on experience using medieval fire tools; 

Fire starting & tending; food prep; &cooking.

And food to eat when all is done (limit 8)

Medieval  Style Arrow Build

Sunday, November 10th  12 to 4:30  P.M.

Constructing & discussing  arrows & equipment.  Take home your own hand-fletched arrow.  $10 materials fee.