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Mid-Lenten Feast

In medieval Europe, Lent was observed as a period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, during which meat and dairy products were not to be eaten. One meal, in penance, was to be eaten late in the afternoon.

The fourth Sunday in Lent, known as Mid-Lent Sunday, was sometimes treated as a feast to brighten lagging spirits. Skillful cooks found ways to follow the fasting rule without denying pleasure to the palate: yeast dough, for example, was substituted for pastry with egg binders, and almond milk for meat stock in stews; food was fried in oil instead of in fat; and fish was substituted for flesh and fowl. Thusly were fine meat dishes transformed into delicious Lenten equivalents. In this spirit, we have created for your enjoyment a ten-dish meal with seafood, vegetables, and sweets, with minstrels entertaining with live music and stories.